Why cannot I assigned "owned by" to a user from a team area?
I am really struggling with the user / access right management in rational team concert.
So I have a project area. And I have Team Area inside that one. I have user XYZ who is member of the Team Area.
No, I create an item in the project area and that items uses the "owned by" built in attribute. When I want to select a user, I only get shown the users defined directly on the project area, but not the users from the team areas of that project area. Why not?
If I load the name of the team area user in that field, I get the error note that "The selected value is not applicable".
Happy for any hint what I need to change to be able to allocated any project area items to team area members as owners.
Kind regards,
2 answers
Hi Franca,
Have you setup a Category? Aligned to the Team
No I haven't. Are the categories needed?
The categories are used to select which team is responsible. They are not needed, but if you don't have them, the work item does not know which team they belong to and will be in the project area context.
Yes, Categories >Connected> Team area see below
The following figure shows the basic workflow for setting up a project area. The boxes in the figure are links to corresponding topics that describe each task in detail. For example, click the Create project area box to open the Create project area topic
(you may wish to select the correct version which you are using)