SWT Inspector
Accepted answer
You should ask on the Eclipse forums: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/ this is not a RTC question. YARI seems to be deprecated and I have not looked at other tools for a while.
Greeting to all!
I downloaded the files from http://svn.code.sf.net/p/yari/code/trunk/YariUpdateSite/ and was able to set up SWT Inspector.
One other answer
I don't know the answer to your specific question, but it sounds like it has nothing to do with RTC.
You might have better luck asking this question in an Eclipse forum.
In the meantime, you can try using the Eclipse built-in tools such as:
-"Plug-in Selection Spy" by using ALT+SHIFT+F1. This will let you know the view class and 'id' (in case you need to add actions to specific views, and even the selected object class type.
-"Plug-in Menu Spy" by using ALT+SHIFT+F2, and then right-clicking on a node in view, and then left clicking-to select a context menu action. This will tell you the 'id' of the action/contribution item, the menu id, and contributing class and plugin.