RTC extensions headless build - "String cannot be resolved to a type"
Hello to the forum members,
I am currently trying without much success to build the features my team developed using ant script. I am following the recommendations mentioned here:
I get loads of "String cannot be resolved to a type" errors and others suggesting that something maybe wrong with my paths to java. According to recommendation I got, I set the property bootclasspath to include all files in my jre/lib folder. I called in ant to <diagnostics> to make sure that sun.boot.class.path includes all the jars under this folder, including rt.jar. Still, no success. I tried running the same build from Eclipse 4.3.2 (I am working with RTC 5.0.1) and got the same results.
Any comments will be warmly appreciated.
I am currently trying without much success to build the features my team developed using ant script. I am following the recommendations mentioned here:
I get loads of "String cannot be resolved to a type" errors and others suggesting that something maybe wrong with my paths to java. According to recommendation I got, I set the property bootclasspath to include all files in my jre/lib folder. I called in ant to <diagnostics> to make sure that sun.boot.class.path includes all the jars under this folder, including rt.jar. Still, no success. I tried running the same build from Eclipse 4.3.2 (I am working with RTC 5.0.1) and got the same results.
Any comments will be warmly appreciated.
Gidi Gal
Feb 25 '15, 2:40 p.m.Adding the *.jar files from jre/lib and also jre/bin/compressedrefs/jclSC170/vm.jar into the property JavaSE-1.6 in build.properties solves many of the errors. If anyone knows what is the recommended value for this property, please comment.
Gidi Gal
Mar 01 '15, 11:33 a.m.I made a small "Hello world" sample plugin and related feature and was able to build it with Eclipse 4.3.2 and Oracle Java. When I switched to IBM Java I got these "String cannot be resolved to a type".
Does anyone knows for any special required setting to run headless builds with IBM Java ?