How to make changes in dashboard XML part from process configuration XML
Hi all,
I want to add a value tag in viewlet in dashboard XML part in process configuration XML through java code. But the issue I am facing here is when I add this value tag and save the RTC project I am not able to see the changes reflecting on the RTC web client even after logging in to the project again.
below is the XML snippet where I am adding value tag,
<viewlet id="" title="Quick access raw data listing" trim="blue">
<preference id="showEmpty" value="true"/>
<property name="queryStringIds" type="xsd:string">
I cant click on the Restore default button on dashboard as it is removing all my newly added widgets from RTC web client.
RTC server version I am using is 6.0.5
How can I add this value tag without affecting my dashboard contents?
Please help me to resolve this issue.