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Repository Permissions not picked up from WAS

Hi guys, could you please give me some clues what to look for.
I am having problems with Repository Permissions not picked up from WAS. We are using
6.0.1 RC1 (RJF-I20151030-2028) and we have a configured a LDAP federated repository Tivoli.
Since 14 days ago this worked without problems. But now this scenarion gives me problems.
- i can create a user in LDAP.
- Then i open WAS (Websphere Application Server) and navigate
Enterprise Applications > jts_war (qm.war, ccm.war) > Security role to user/group mapping
I map users to jazz group "JAzz users" and restart WAS
- then i open jts/admin and successfully import newly created user, i can assign user licenses and so on ...
I also click on command "Synchronize Jazz Team Server Users With External User Registry"
I also wait over night for possible nightly synchronization
The problem is in user section "Repository Permissions" which has no checkbox set at section "jazz users". This consiguently means that the new user in inoperative, log in does not work.
I would like to somehow get some traces. My questions are:
- in WAS where are stored these user to group mapings?
- how can i trace WAS user to groups mappings?
- how to trace jts user synchronization?
- anything else regarding this issue
Accepted answer

Hi, I found a WAS trace
which kinda told me that i was in fact having problems logging into LDAP. So the issue was not with WAS permissions. I changed UID for this problematic users (which were duplicated) and i can now succesfully log in. Very usefull information that i received from you was
In any other case, there are sometimes problems with displaying the check box for the repository group. Sometimes it only shows a gray square and no check mark.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 09 '19, 4:20 a.m.As far as I am aware, the repository permission is supposed to be managed in LDAP using group attributes. You do not have to do anything in WAS, if the configuration is done correctly. What am I missing? Is this about the "federated" part?
Blaž Pintar
Sep 09 '19, 7:13 a.m.We do not have any LDAP group atributes. My atributes in LDAP are:
Blaž Pintar
Sep 09 '19, 4:23 a.m.i cannot give you screenshots since i do not have 60 reputation points
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 09 '19, 7:21 a.m.Without more information why you do what you do, I can not help.
Blaž Pintar
Sep 10 '19, 2:49 a.m.Ralph Schoon
Sep 10 '19, 4:07 a.m.Sory for broken link, let try this way https://ibb.co/qRQnZT4
Blaž Pintar
Sep 10 '19, 3:50 a.m.link is ok, beware of qRQnZT4%C2%A0 when opening link. ju need only qRQnZT4
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 10 '19, 4:08 a.m.It is possible to create valid links in comments. I can not answer your question, but I am pretty sure that you do NOT add individual users in the step, but use the LDAP capabilities. Consider consulting.