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Importing Version History from CC to RTC

Dhruv Bansal (171415) | asked Jan 14 '14, 12:05 a.m.

Is it possible to import ClearCase UCM history in RTC 3.0??
because when i tried CC synchronizer to import from CC it imported all baseline but no version history.
Please suggest. Thanks!!

2 answers

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Takehiko Amano (1.3k3741) | answered Jan 14 '14, 2:46 a.m.
If history means version history of each file element, you might want to take a look at new ClearCase importer.

New importer allows to import history.   Note that new features are not back ported to 3.0.x releases.

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Dhruv Bansal (171415) | answered Jan 14 '14, 3:27 a.m.
Yes thanks Takehiko, i will install 4.0.5 and will do POC.

Thanks for prompt reply.

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