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How we can Migrate the IBM Synergy to IBM RTC

Sunny Singh (1112) | asked Sep 03 '19, 6:05 a.m.
Earlier i am using IBM Synergy with Informix and RDS and now i am using IBM CLM 606. still some of the older project is running in IBM Synergy.

So can we migrate IBM Synergy to IBM RTC .

what is the procedure to Migrate.

3 answers

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Kenny Smith (302614) | answered Sep 04 '19, 12:10 p.m.

There is a Synergy bridge that allows you to integrate the two:

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Brad Morse (235) | answered Sep 09 '19, 3:19 p.m.

 I also have been looking into migration. The Synergy Bridge looks to be for the continued use of Synergy while using RTC for planning. "Using the Synergy bridge to RTC allows integrating Synergy with RTC so that you utilize the benefits of Work Items, Agile Planning, Collaboration and Dashboarding capabilities without using Jazz source control."

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Brad Morse (235) | answered Jan 27 '20, 3:19 p.m.

 Anything learned on migrating to RTC from Synergy? This appears to be a large gap in the capabilities as there is no updated tool for migration.

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