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Equivalent of "replace all"?

Kelleen Casey (134) | asked Aug 09 '19, 5:42 p.m.
In my DNG module, I would like to perform a "replace all". I see from previous posts that this is not available, and considered risky since there is not the equivalent of a global undo.
Is there instead a way to export the contents of the artifacts in the module, make the replacement in an external tool such as Excel, and then import the updated artifacts?
Thanks for any assistance.

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Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Aug 10 '19, 11:07 a.m.
Hi Kelleen,

You can export a view cotaniing the ID column and the Primary Text to Excel using the export option

Do the search and replace in Excel and then import the updated Excel back into DNG

Choose the option to update existing artifacts when doing the import

Kelleen Casey selected this answer as the correct answer

Kelleen Casey commented Aug 12 '19, 2:07 p.m.

That worked. Thank you!

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