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Suspicious links and traceability report

Vani B (1391273) | asked Aug 02 '19, 1:18 p.m.

Need to run change impact analysis for changed System/Software requirements. How I can run it in our project. I am seeing DNG help guidance, but not sure if it is applicable.ᅠ

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Sean F (1.3k249160) | answered Aug 02 '19, 2:03 p.m.
Hi Vani,

You need to create and then enable suspicion profiles for your project before you can do suspect link analysis.

The link you posted is to the suspect link analysis guide.

This link show you how to set up the suspect link profiles so you can then follow the analysis guide.

Vani B commented Aug 04 '19, 11:29 p.m.

Hi Sean,

The Project area is Configuration management enabled. How to  run change impact analysis for changed System/Software requirements?

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