How to check the RTC applications (CCM/QM/RM ) are healthy when one of these components is down through API
We can get the list of registered applications from the Jazz API by using the discovery URL(from the JTS rootservices document).From the xml file I see lots of publishers/names like /rm2 and /qm-dt. This is good. However, if /rm2 is DOWN, will it show up in this list as down, or will it not show up in this list at all?
If it shows as down, what xml item below am I looking for to denote that the service is down?
<jd:rootServices rdf:resource="https://localhost:port/rm/rootservices"/>
<j.0:publisher rdf:resource="https://localhost:port/rm/application-about"/>
<jd:registration rdf:resource="https://localhost:port/rm/service/"/>
<jd:domain rdf:parseType="Resource">
Accepted answer
My 2 cents: If you want to know an application is accessible, you access the application. There are also ways to monitor such systems. See for a start.