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Filter Status or State of work item in Quick Planer Plan Board

Tanveer Zubair (211213) | asked Jul 26 '19, 12:32 p.m.
I created a Plan Board using Quick Planer with multiple release lanes.   The Team Progress shows how many work items been resolved.  I like to filter based on state, though I can't do it.

Looks like we don't have this capability in 6.0.6 yet. 

Please advise.


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Sharoon Shetty Kuriyala (55133) | answered Aug 02 '19, 10:56 a.m.


This feature is not available in 6.0.6. It is planned for 7.0 release, you can track the updates in the feature item [CCM] Quick Planner Enhancements (475036).


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