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How to send HTML Emails from RTC as Notifications?

Salman Shaikh (23413475) | asked Jun 25 '15, 9:30 a.m.
In RTC i have tried to customize my HTML emai template but however every time Jazz Mail Server is sending plain text mails, How can i change it to HTML mails.

Accepted answer

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Timo Reiss (209512) | answered Jun 25 '15, 10:53 a.m.
Hi Salman,

in order to change this, you need to modify your Email-preferences. The HTML option is disabled by default.

Assuming you use the web client follow these steps:
  1. Open the RTC web app
  2. Select [User Icon] > View my profile and licenses
  3. Select Mail Configuration from the left pane
  4. Check the check box Format Email Messages in HTML
  5. Save your preferences

From then on you should receive any Emails in HTML format.


Salman Shaikh selected this answer as the correct answer

Salman Shaikh commented Jun 25 '15, 2:15 p.m.

I want to apply this on my complete CLM, means want to apply in all projects.

Can i do this or will there be any alternative to do like that?

Timo Reiss commented Jun 26 '15, 8:08 a.m. | edited Jun 26 '15, 8:18 a.m.


if you follow the above steps, you modify your global user preferences, which are not linked to any project. I.e., the option Format Messages in HTML applies to all project areas.

BTW Neither the application nor the project do matter when editing the user mail preferences. E.g., if you edit your Email preferences in project A using RQM, you'll see these exact preferences when accessing your user profile from project B using RTC. These settings are global; only the multiple points of access may be a bit misleading.


One other answer

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Pankaj Sharma (401170) | answered Jan 27 '16, 11:05 a.m.
 Hello Timo,

I am setting up new environment and i want all the users should get HTML mails as i have updated the template for all types.

I know i can do it for me but not sure if this can me, But how can i set up this for all users.

Kevin Ramer commented Jan 27 '16, 11:43 a.m.

My opinion here is that this is designated as a User preference and while it can be changed by a JazzAdmin, my $0.10 says users should be advised such a choice is preferred by someone for all users, but still allow users to opt-out.

Timo Reiss commented Jan 28 '16, 3:21 a.m.

Hello Pankaj,

Kevin is absolutely correct: the choice to receveive HTML formatted E-mails is a per-user setting. AFAIK there is no mechanism to enforce this for all users. I.e., if you update the E-mail templates, you should make sure that you update both the plain-text and HTML templates.


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