CCM6.0.6 Upgrade script fails in first step
I am trying to upgrade IBM CLM 6.0.3 to 6.0.6 on windows distributed environment.
Upgrade of JTS, JRS, RELM are all success.
But when I run CCM upgrade script, I get below message.
S:\IBM\JazzTeamServer6.0.6\server>upgrade\ccm\ccm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome "S:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf" -newJTSHome "S:\IBM\JazzTeamServer6.0.6\server\conf" -updateTomcatFiles no -updateAppServerFiles no -ignoreJTSVersionCheck
Cannot find the JTS repotools command '"S:\IBM\JazzTeamServer6.0.6\server"\repotools-jts.bat'.
Verify that the -newJTSHome parameter '"S:\IBM\JazzTeamServer6.0.6\server\conf"' is pointing to the new JTS server configuration directory, for example, 'JazzInstallRoot\server\conf' and that the -jtsContextRoot parameter 'jts' is correct.
Accepted answer
If you want to migrate the application, why would you give it the parameter newJTSHome ? That would be typically derived from oldApplicationHome . Is there a script S:\IBM\JazzTeamServer6.0.6\server\repotools-jts.bat? Is JTS installed on this node? Are you migrating from Tomcat to Liberty, or why do you have updateTomcatFiles ?
Hi Ralph,
I added parameter newJTSHome along with the parameters given in interactive guide.
JTS is not installed on the node and there is no repotools-jts.bat script in the new installation path. I am not migrating from Tomcat to Liberty
If JTS is not installed on that node, you have to either be able to mount the JTS install folder, or you have to use the option Manual upgrade (cannot mount network drives), I think.
1 vote
Hi Ralph,
I tried manual upgrade
cd S:\IBM\JazzTeamServer6.0.6\server
repotools-ccm.bat -migration_ccm_updateConfigurationFiles oldApplicationHome="S:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf" ignoreJTSVersionCheck updateTomcatFiles=no updateAppServerFiles=no
With this, the teamserver and log4 properties got merged.
Next step to add tables "repotools-ccm.bat -addTables" giving same result.
So, do i need to map JTS server directory?
Hi Ralph,
My second attempt to run repotool to add the tables succeeded and upgrade completed