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RFT/jazz Pending changes Command line/auto accept

David G (11213) | asked Jul 17 '19, 2:02 p.m.
retagged Jul 19 '19, 6:45 p.m. by Michael Afshar (7014)


I am just wondering if there were any type of command line/java code that i could use in order to update the pending changes that show up in the RFT eclipse application? If not then is there a settings i can change in order for it to do that automatically?

Reason being is that we want all the users that are in our group to not worry about if they accepted the most resent updates or not when we use their PC to run web ui scripts.

An example of what im talking about when i say Pending Changes:


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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Jul 17 '19, 11:09 p.m.
I believe you have installed the RTC app where you have RFT and the pending changes view is part of RTC SCM.
If so, you can use the RTC SCM command line tool to accept changes into your workspace. You can go to this link for more information:

David G commented Jul 18 '19, 10:04 a.m. | edited Jul 18 '19, 10:08 a.m.

  Thanks for the reply. However, when trying to execute the command I get the following error:

 Problem running 'load':
Could not log in to as user tdxxxxx: CRJxxxxxxx Cannot connect to the repository at URL "". This can happen if you have supplied an incorrect URI or if the server is down. Try logout and re-login with the updated credentials if the password has been changed.
CRJxxxxx Cannot connect to the repository at URL "
". This can happen if you have supplied an incorrect URI or if the server is down.
Check the log for details about the error at "C:\Users\tdxxxxx\AppData\Local\jazz-scm". If you have configured custom logging check your log configuration settings for the path to the log file.
And image of the error >

Shashikant Padur commented Jul 18 '19, 11:17 p.m. | edited Jul 18 '19, 11:19 p.m.
There are couple of issues with your command.
To make it easier to connect to the repository you can cache your credentials by running the 'login' command: scm login -r https://your_repo_uri:9443/ccm -u your_username -n reponickname -c
If you do not login then you need to specify the -r and -u options while running each and every command.

Next to load the repository workspace:
scm load -r reponickname -d directory_to_load_the_repository_workspace your_repository_workspace_name_or_uuid
This loads all the components into the specified directory.

Note: It is better if you use 'lscm' rather than 'scm' as it will be faster after running the first command.
Also take a look at the following article:

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