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editing users

shih ming lew (112) | asked Nov 04 '09, 2:08 a.m.

I think the User Management is lacking in features. It does not allows editing such as deleting user, reset password, password policies, etc.

I encountered a case when my tester forgot his password and I cannot do anything. Even deleting and creating a user of the same name does not work. So I tried editing the file from <install>/server/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml. After editing, I stop RQM server and start again. But it makes things worse. I cannot login with both new and old password.

Any idea what is the workaround for editing user passwords?

5 answers

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shih ming lew (112) | answered Nov 04 '09, 10:26 p.m.
Anybody knows (as a JazzAdmin) how to reset user password or delete accounts?

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Anders Malmberg (1121214) | answered Nov 06 '09, 8:30 a.m.

which version of RQM do you use? Depending on if you use 1.0.x 2.0 and

Best Regards

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David Mehaffy (90123338) | answered Nov 06 '09, 11:23 a.m.
lewsm wrote:
Anybody knows (as a JazzAdmin) how to reset user password or delete

Really not feasible to delete accounts. What if the user is tied to

artifacts in the project? What would you do with those artifacts? This
has been a classic problem in any management system that has artifacts
attached to users.

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shih ming lew (112) | answered Dec 16 '09, 1:14 a.m.
I am using RQM2.0. The tester role is linked to most of the test scripts and test cases

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Shruti Grover (4121) | answered Dec 24 '09, 12:02 p.m.
This is a bug in the application!! An Admin User is not able to change Normal User Passwords!!!!

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