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Why no ability to change column display settings when adding test case to test case execution records?

Corey Jacobs (642539) | asked Nov 21 '13, 12:58 p.m.
Our team is currently using RQM 4.0.1.  Currently when creating a TCER (Construction > Create Case Execution Record) and attempt to add a test case in overview section, there isn't the ability to change the column change display settings nor add/remove columns for test cases.  This is a problem because there is plenty of categories/custom attributes created for our test cases.  This leads to all of these fields being bunched together.  I notice when adding test plans to the test case execution record, there lies the ability to change the display columns for test plans. 

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Andal Prassan (1871) | answered Nov 22 '13, 5:22 a.m.
In 405 I see that not all fields are visible while adding the test case from TCER overview section here is the screenshot.
Could you attach your screenshots so that I want to know whether this is enhanced in 405.
Adding test case from TCER's overview section

test cases view screenshot
browse test cases view

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