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RQM - Bulk change of 'Approval' of Test Cases and Scripts

Parameswaran V (10018) | asked Jun 28 '19, 1:21 a.m.

 In the Test Cases /Script List view - i see an option to change the approval state of a test cases

Review Test Case - > Mark as Reviewed
Review Test Case - > Mark as Rejected

However even after me doing this - i do not see an update in 

Test Case - > Formal Review (Section).

Note: I did refresh the test case and even the browser - however the status is not updated.

Question: Where can i see that the Test Case has been Approved', if not in the 'Formal Review' Section.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jun 30 '19, 11:21 p.m.
You will need to configure "approval tracking" first:

Then you also need to set up Formal Review for each artifact(such as test case). Then you can bulk review(as you did above) the test case from Test Case View and those test case with Formal Review setup would see the status reflected.
Parameswaran V selected this answer as the correct answer

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