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RQM : Request body to update an attribute of a test artifact using REST API

Ajith O M (46734) | asked Jun 25 '19, 5:32 a.m.

 Dear Team,

I have this API URLwhich I will be using as POST request to update an attribute of the test artifact
For example, I would like to update the description attribute in the test plan.
I would like to know the json request body required to hit the post request and update.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 26 '19, 6:58 a.m.

permanent link
Marco Lezajic (11) | answered Jun 26 '19, 8:15 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

is the oslc/lyo framework you mention above capable of updating several attributes of a work item at the same time ?
In my case i have to update the state of a work item and provide a comment (if the comment is not there i get a http 403). I have tried to achieve this with 'regular' http calls but failed to to get it done

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 26 '19, 8:57 a.m.

I believe that is the case. Basically you use a representation where you change as many values as you want. Then you Put/Post whatever that content. And all changed values should be changed. Note: you have to response with all the changed and unchanged data. Omitting data is a delete as far as I can tell.

I provided some information how Lyo works here: . I am also only a Lyo beginner. 

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