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Ajith O M (46734) | asked Jun 19 '19, 1:23 a.m.
edited Jun 19 '19, 11:45 a.m.

 Dear Team,

I have got few REST APIs from a document ( to create baseline and stream.
The APIs are as follows : 

I have tried hitting the APIs in rest client/postman,but I was not getting any results as expected. Please let me know the required request body and headers to use for creating stream and baseline at the earliest.

Thanks and Regards

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Ajith O M (46734) | answered Jun 25 '19, 5:25 a.m.
edited Jun 25 '19, 5:33 a.m.

 I got the answer myself :

Thanks everyone who have tried.
1.Create Baseline with API
    1.1. API : https://hostname/qm/localVersioning/configurations/baselines
             Request Body :
              "name": "Test baseline",
             "description": "Testing",
              "configurationId": "_yzHtL5cembPnRT_G_Q"

           ConfigurationId is the stream UUID which we get from the artifact URL or using anyother way possible.
2. API to fetch test artifacts from a baseline :
                                  https://hostname/qm/service/                               vvc.configuration=https://hostname/qm/service/ baseline/_b_0VoJKvehU8SCp_Uorg

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