Why does the REST API extract duplicate steps from a testscript
Looking at a test script in RQM, I see 4 steps. Following the example to extract a specific script, it pulls each step twice and the stepIndex, ns7:name, and ns7:title values are the step #.
I added / deleted a step between 1 & 2 to affect a change to the script and redid the extract, and step 2 now shows up 3x, but with the context.
Is there some way to only extract 1 copy of each step, with the correct context?
One answer
Could I see that script? I don't know exactly what are you trying to do and that will be helpful.
Here is the call:
java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user <user> -password <pwd> -filepath C:\RQM_Script423.xml -url https://ratsuite177.sby.ibm.com:9443/qm/secure/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/String%20Test/testscript/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testscript:423
Looking at the XML it only contains a single entry for each step, so showing multiple copies of a step is an Excel issue. However, not downloading the test scripts details is an issue - example in another comment
<ns9:step ns3:id="_xxQ" type="execution" stepIndex="1">
<div:div xmlns stuff...>Open to API Tester</div:div>
<div:div xmlns stuff...>API tester is opened</div:div>
ns9:description and ns9:expectedResult are also not imported by Excel
Step 2 from same script - notice ns9:name and ns9:title are populated with scripts information, and not the step # as in my previous comment. Name and Title appeared after I inserted and deleted a step between steps 1 & 2. Steps 3, 4, 5 ... also still show the step # in the ns9:name and ns9:title fields
<ns9:step ns3:id="_xxQ" type="execution" stepIndex="2">
<ns9:name>Check "Is a Service?" </ns9:name>
<ns9:title> Check "Is a Service?"</ns9:title>
<div:div xmlns stuff...>Check "Is a Service?" fill in the UserId and Password with correct credentials</div:div>
<div:div xmlns stuff...>Fields are filled with correct information</div:div>