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QM- What is Build for Last Result meaning and best practice?

Could you advise how to use column "Build For Last Result" in Test Case Execution Record (TCER) view?
I am thinking about its usage through following scenario. Could you confirm if my understanding is correct?
1. Create one Timeline called PROJ, then create iteration inside this timeline PROJ as below structure
2. When we have iteration delivered from development team, to be tested. I created Test Plan (TP-1).
3. In TP1,
- At Test Schedule section, browse to PROJ timeline (not browse to ITER-1).
- Then add Test Case (TC) and generate TCER
- At TCER section:
assign owners, then run some TCERs (for example from TCER-1 to TCER-10). Remaining 5 TCERS (from TCER-11 to TCER-15) are still in No Run state
Build For Last Result column shows ITER-1 for executed TCERs (TCER-1 to TCER-10)
4. Some days later, we have new release to be tested, called iteration 2 (ITER-2). I created one iteration to PROJ timeline, now the structure of timeline will be
5. Now, i do not create new test plan, just reuse test plan TP-1 (aimed for iteration ITER-1). At test plan TP-1:
- At Test Schedule section: ITER-2 appears automatically without needing to browse to it
- At TCER section:
assign different owner, re-execute TCER that were run in ITER-1, means re-run TCER-1 to TCER-10
Here in TCER view, i see Build For Last Result changes to ITER-2.
Is above usage correct with meaning of column "Build For Last Result"?
If yes, look like this is only applicable when we have following conditions:
1. TCERs to be re-executed must be exact as TCERs ran in previous iteration
2. In case test lead needs to assign a different tester (tester-2) to run one TCER (ran in previous iteration by one person, called tester-1), test lead needs re-assign this
However, when tester-2 starts execution for TCER (ran in ITER-1) on ITER-2, tester-2 can be confused as it already has previous result of ITER-1.
Ps: Normally, for each iteration, i create one test plan for it, not ever use above scenario. Just try to understand better meaning of column "Build For Last Result" in TCEr to use it correctly
Accepted answer

Hi Thao Nguyen,
"Build for Last Result" is the Build Record used for the Test case execution record.
You can still use single Test plan, create Mutliple TCERs, but for Different Iterations of the project timeline.
If you re run the same TCER, then the "Build For Last Result" will have the build record used for the TCER execution run during sprint cycle.
Also, to get information whether the result is current for the mentioned build, see this information on "Current for Build"
Hope this helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar
One other answer

Hello Krupa Gunhalkar,
According to you point above: "...If you re run the same TCER, then the "Build For Last Result" ..."
Do you mean, with TCER (called TCER-1) ran on build A, then when we have new build- build B: which option you meant
1. We had TCER-1 ran on build A. We do NOT need to generate new TCER (name called as TCER-1_(1) ) with same Environment of TCER-1
--> This will not increase the TCER count column in TC view. Anyway, this can be acceptable
--> This will make user (who need to run this test on build B) confused about previous result (ran on build A). However, we can work-around by adding one category (i call "Re-execute" column with value = "YES") to indicate TCER-1 needs to be retested
With this option, we cannot see "No Run" TCER on build B widget/dashboard, especially for these "re-execute" TCERs (as they had result in build A already). Any suggestion to make option #1 more effective is much appreciated
2. We generate new TCER (name called as TCER-1_(1) ) even same TC, same Environment with "previous" TCER, name TCER-1
With this option, as we have a different TCER name, so column "Build For Last Result" is not really applicable