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How can I prevent work item editing for a specific role when the work item is in a specufuc state?

2 answers

Edit: this is an incorrect answer.
Yes, Use the permissions. However, roles only give permissions, they do not take permissions away.

Thanks Ralph for your response. My understanding is that I can use the permissions to prevent a specific role from doing changes in the work item, but I can't see how to control that on the state level. What I can see is that the permissions will apply on all the work item states.

Hmm, I was pretty sure I had done this in the past, but I am baffled being unable to find it in the project area admin 8). If there are no state related permissions, it would be possible to use 'Read Only' in the editor presentations to protect the attributes e.g. based on Read Only For Conditions attribute customization e.g. https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2015/08/07/a-custom-condition-to-make-attributes-required-or-read-only-by-role-version-2/ . Or it would be possible to use custom advisors (preconditions) that prevent the user from changing a work item attribute.

Correction: Permissions are not available on a state level.
- Attribute suctomization in JavaScript or Java to control read only for state and role based on the Read Only For Conditions precondition attribute customization . See https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/AttributeCustomization and https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2015/08/07/a-custom-condition-to-make-attributes-required-or-read-only-by-role-version-2/ .
- It would be possible to use custom advisors (preconditions) that prevent the user from changing a work item attribute. As an example see https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2014/05/26/only-owner-can-close-workitem-advisor/