RLIA - not connecting to JIRA servers : Showing error: Authentication credentials were not accepted by the server: Authentication failed
2 answers
The cookie-based authentication is no longer available for JIRA Cloud environments. Atlassian has disabled this feature start of the month.
Must use the API Token based authentication:
https://docs.tasktop.com/premi <wbr> um/connector-documentation/atl <wbr> assian-jira#AtlassianJira-Emai <wbr> lAddressandAPITokenAuthenticat <wbr> ion(JiraCloudonly)Cloud
Also, there where some other changes from Atlassian why it necessary that the upgrades to RLIA or newer otherwise as an example it could duplicate comments. More information can be found here:
https://docs.tasktop.com/jira/ <wbr>
https://docs.tasktop.com/premi <wbr> um/connector-documentation/atl <wbr> assian-jira
Atlassian JIRA cloud instances is this the case. Standard Authentication is only for on-premise instances possible.
See deprecation notice from Atlassian:
https://developer.atlassian.co <wbr> m/cloud/jira/platform/deprecat <wbr> ion-notice-basic-auth-and-cook <wbr> ie-based-auth/