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When defining RTC work item properties, is there a way to make the "team area list" only display the list of team areas under the current project area?

DAVID GUO (35413) | asked May 23 '19, 2:38 a.m.

When defining RTC work item properties, is there a way to make the "team area list" only display the list of team areas under the current project area?

By default, this property lists a list of team areas under all project areas that the current user is participating in when creating a new work item.

Please Look at the three screenshots listed below.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 23 '19, 8:11 a.m.

I am not aware of a simple solution. 

For all I can tell, attribute customization could be used You would have to define a custom value set. But it would have to be the Java based version if this is supposed to work in all clients. There is no documented API for JavaScript to access the team areas. There might be hints here in the forum. 

For the Java based approach, you might want to look here: because there is a lot of code that should be useful. is another example, that actually iterates the team area hierarchy.

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