How to change ownership of component with LSCM
One answer
scm set attributes -C/--component <arg ...> [--name <arg>] ([--ownedby <arg>]
[--teamarea-scope] [--visibility <arg>]) [--process-area
<arg> | --accessgroup <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>]
[-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username
<arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg>
-P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> |
--kerberos | --integratedWindows]
If you are setting the owner of a component to a team area, you would have to run the following command:
scm set attributes -C <component_itemId_or_name> --visibility <teamarea> --process-area <teamarea_itemid_or_name>
--visibility option values could be any of the following: public, private, teamarea, projectarea, accessgroup, or archived.
For help, run 'scm help set attr'.
I went through the docs once again and figured that --visibility is not the correct option. However, --ownedby is what I was looking for. I want to set the owner to be the proect area but this doesn't seem to work.
lscm set attributes --component <component_uuid> --ownedby <project_area_name> --visibility <project_area_name> -r <repository>
When I run this command the visibility is set to project scoped but the owner remains the user and not the project area. What am I doing wrong?
You are right, that is to change the visibility.
To change the owner you just need to do the following:
lscm set attributes --component <component_uuid> --ownedby <project_area_name> -r <repository>