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add default reference link to work Item type editor in RTC

kavita herur (5876894) | asked Feb 03 '15, 12:50 p.m.

Hi All,

 I want to add default reference link to each work item type editors. the refernce link  is unique for each work Item type.

Currrently I created default values with these reference links and that value is assigned to medium HTML attribute in each work Item type.

My concern is each workticket will store the default value though i dont need it.

 is there way to add predefined reference link to each work Item type editor but not to work ticket( not for storing)



kavita herur commented Feb 04 '15, 12:34 a.m.

Hi , I want to add button in header of workItem and  on click of button it should open pre-defined web link. This link varies for each workItem type. 

As I know we cannot add button in form(editor) So want to add web link     itself to form and  that i have done it but it gets saved into each work ticket in database. But I dont want it to be as data and get stored along with work ticket.

reference link should be attached to work Item type editor.



One answer

permanent link
sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Feb 03 '15, 2:05 p.m.
sorry, could you explain a little more.. not quite sure I understand what you need to do.

kavita herur commented Feb 20 '15, 11:25 p.m.

Hi Sam,

  its simple I just want to bond web link (data) to  work ticket form not to workticket data. I dont want to store any data along with work ticket, it should be stored in process xml whenever I open work ticket of  that work Item type its show the data (web link)



sam detweiler commented Feb 21 '15, 8:12 a.m.

ok.. You can add a non-attribute static text string to the presentation page, but there is no capability to make an active link

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