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How to filter on multiple names in DOORS Next Gen / RRC view

Álvaro Alonso (35228) | asked Apr 04 '19, 3:43 a.m.
I want to reopen the next question. Do you know if it is possible to do it whith javascript or something like this??

Suppose I have a set of requirements in a DOORS Next Gen / RRC project, and the name of each requirement in the project contains "-A-", "-B-", "-C-", or "-D-".  I know how to create a view filter that shows me all of the requirements with "-A-" in the name.  I also know how to create a view filter that shows me all of the requirements that do not have "-A-" in the name.  That's done with the name filter, using "contains" or "does not contain" "-A-". 

What I don't know how to do is create a view that shows all of the requirements that contain "-A-" or "-B-", or a view of the requirements that contain neither "-A-" nor "-B-".  I see no obvious way of compounding the name filter with and/or.  And I don't know of any regular expression type of format that I can put in the name filter to achieve this. 

Can such a view that filters on multiple name values be constructed in DNG/RRC?  If so, how? 

2 answers

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Sean F (1.3k250160) | answered Apr 04 '19, 3:48 a.m.
edited Apr 04 '19, 3:49 a.m.
If you add 2 filters then they are combined with a logical AND.

There is no way to combine filters with a logical OR at this stage in DNG like there is in DOORS Classic.

>>What I don't know how to do is create a view that shows all of the requirements that contain "-A-" or "-B-"
This is not possible

>>or a view of the requirements that contain neither "-A-" nor "-B-"
This is possible by creating 2 filters 'does not contain -A-' and 'does not contain -B-'

They will be combined with logical AND by default

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Diana Kraaijeveld (57727) | answered Apr 04 '19, 5:16 a.m.
There are some existing DNG enhancement requests on this topic, like this relatively new one:

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