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How to set up RTC-Git integration without basic authentication

Ian Wark (79713553) | asked Mar 12 '19, 6:43 a.m.
edited Mar 12 '19, 6:45 a.m.
We have two questions about the below wiki tutorial about RTC-Git integration setup with Node.

CLM 6.0.2
Liberty server
Node server 10.14.2-x64
Git for Windows
Windows 2012 R2 for Git and Node servers
Macbook client (as per example)

1. How do you set up the same example without using BASIC authentication? What changes are required to make it work?

2. Why can't we logout of Liberty server after changing to use BASIC authentication?

We can successfully complete this sample setup, but when we change Liberty server to run with BASIC authentication we cannot log out of CLM. (Log in shows a popup dialog for username and password and works as expected.) When you click on the logout button in the top right corner, however, the browser window refreshes and then reappears fully logged in as before. In the sample it says.. " Note: In this example we assume RTC server is setup with BASIC mode of authentication. " We checked and if you don't change this you get git command errors.

We used these instructions to set up BASIC authentication:

We changed all the wars that included the relevant section.. jts, ccm, qm -- not rm.
E.g. C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\jts.war\WEB-INF

In each we commented out this bit..








and removed the comments from around this bit..





Ian Wark commented Mar 18 '19, 12:12 a.m.

Is anyone able to comment on either of 1. or 2. ?

Ian Wark commented Mar 18 '19, 1:43 a.m.

I have now understood that you have to use LDAP, if not using BASIC.  That just leaves question 2.

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