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Not able to get DNG Module Type information in RPE.

Anjuri Kelaiya (3732) | asked Mar 05 '19, 6:02 a.m.
I am trying to generate RPE report for below requirement.

I am using RTC workitems datasource first which is fetching workitem details.
Then I have connected DNG Text data source to get the linked requirements with the RTC workitems.

Now I want to display module information for those linked requirements. For that I am using modulecontext/contextbinding/moduleDisplayName query which is providing module name and ID.

I am having a hard time fetching type of the Module for the linked requirements.
I have tried using collaboration/attributes/objecttype/name to publish Module type but it is showing linked requirement type, not the Module type.
Please let me know how can I get Type of the module in output report for the linked requirements.

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Mar 08 '19, 12:30 p.m.
You cannot get type of Module from the same data source and need to make another data request. You can try either of the following options:
1. Add another data source schema for modules and dynamically configure it using dataSource/artifact/moduleContext/contextBinding/moduleUrl. You should Script Expression (moduleUrl.replace("/resources/","/publish/modules?resourceURI=")
From modules data source, you can get type of the module (dataSource/artifact/collaboration/attributes/objectType/name)
2. Add modules data source in the template. Set its data source URI as
It will give details of all modules in the projectArea.
Within a JavaScript Code element, use a map to save moduleUrl (dataSource/artifact/about) and its type of module (dataSource/artifact/collaboration/attributes/objectType/name) for all modules
For the linked artifact, since you have moduleUrl, you can print the corresponding module type using the map.
Anjuri Kelaiya selected this answer as the correct answer

Anjuri Kelaiya commented Mar 11 '19, 2:09 a.m.

I am able to get the Type of the Module using aforementioned solution 1.

It really helped. Thanks a lot. 

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