Using RPE, how can I report on differently structured test plans?
Hello, I am using CLM suite 6.0.6.
In a single QM project area, test plans are used differently. A Test Plans and B Test Plans. Test Plans of type A have test cases and test scripts in a 1 to 1 relationship. In these test plans, there are test case results for each test environment. Test Plans of type B have test cases and test scripts in a 1 to many relationship. In these test plans, there are test case results for each test script.
Using RPE, what are the differences in templates that pull test case results for these two differently structured test plans?
One answer
Test Execution Record is a combination of Test Case, Test Script & Environment.
Say one Test Case is mapped to 2 Test Scripts & both Test Scripts have to be executed in 3 platforms. Hence there would be 6 Test Execution Record in total
Test Cases Results are reported as 'Failed', even if one of TCER fails.
What is the significance of RPE in your query ?
By templates, do you mean the out of box Reports that comes with RQM Installation ? Those report templates are available in the server. You can open those reports using RPE report builder client to check the logic.
By templates, I mean RPE Templates. In RPE, you develop custom templates to structure a report and configure data to be pulled to populate the structure in the templates. I am using RPE to generate a report on test case results for these two differently structured test plans, and I believe there are differences in data source configurations due to the test plans being structured differently.