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What datasource type is used in the default report templates for DNG?

David Clark (2341352) | asked Nov 16 '16, 12:04 p.m.
 I am trying to replicate the dataSource used in the printModuleBook.dta found in DNG.

The unique thing is it has a smaller schema than the normal DNG DB schema, but also has some fields I need access to.

How was this created?

views > dataSource > artifact > fields > field

Or can someone tell me how I can figure it out on my own? Where is the dataSource definition?


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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Nov 17 '16, 1:21 a.m.
You can check the .dsx(document specification) files created by DNG under <SERVER_INSTALLATION>\server\tomcat\temp\rrc_reports. If you open the .dsx file in RPE Launcher, you will find the actual "views" data source URL used for document generation.

This URL will be something like

You can notice that request made by the publish report does several stuff - It includes  the project, the module and the cached view. Also, currently you cannot make a public call against "views" schema and DNG REST API does not support "views" artifact type.
Please refer these:

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