Getting the resourceURI for a DNG module
CLM 602
3 answers
Hi Sterling,
To return the artifacts that are in a DNG module, you need to use the below URL
Filter by module
xyz is the resource URI which you can get from the module share link.
Take a look at the DNG Reportable REST documentation to get more details
Thanks /Sunil
To make it easy, you can use "Find data source URL" option in RPE while configuring data source. Here are the steps:
1. In Launcher perspective, right click on the data source and select "Configure Data Source..."
2. Click Find button
3. Paste the web URL (copied from the browser address bar) and click Find button
4. Proceed with authentication
5. Click Configure and the click OK
The REST URL for the resource will be set as data source URL.
Thanks for responding,
Hi Sterling,
It would be useful if you specify which workshop documentation you are looking through. Does it include any template for which you are trying to configure data source? If not, you can use the sample template that ships with RPE (DNG_Module.dta under %rpe_home%\templates\DNG).
Once you open the RPE template (in RPE Studio), please click "RPE Launcher" on the top right corner.
You will be switched to Launcher perspective. In Launcher perspective, right click on the data source and select "Configure Data Source..."
Click Find button
Paste the web URL (copied from the browser address bar) and click Find button
Proceed with authentication
Click Configure and the click OK
The REST URL for the resource will be set as data source URL. This method works equally well for all artifact types (resource or module).
You can save this configuration as document specification file (.dsx).