Is it possible to mask execution variables in the Test Results?

My Scenario is as follows:
- I have an automation testcase and testscript
- I am using the command line adapter to call the RFT script from my testcase
- I am passing 2 dynamic execution variables to the script - username and password
- My automation script runs successfully and updates the results back to RQM
- In RQM, I have the Execution Results displayed.
- When I go to the Execution Variables section, I can see the execution variables that were passed to my script along with the values dynamically given.
Issue: This is where I have a problem. Users pass confidential information to the script and the same gets displayed in the execution result for all to see. I want to know if it is possible to maybe mask the password or not display it at all. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
3 answers

Currently I don't believe there is way to mask Execution Variables
There was an Enhancement request submitted some time back , but the submitter never followed up with the development team
Option to Mask an Execution Variable
I would recommend submitting a new enhancement request in order to get this functionality in a future release