Listing DNG types using OSLC in context of component and stream
Hi Jazz Community,
I am aware that I can get list of artifact types, link types using DNG private api for particular project using
Is there a way to get list of artifact types and links in context of component and stream when CM is enabled.
Without any issue I can get list of artifacts but I need list of artifact types.
Accepted answer
Hi Bartosz,
in general retrieving artefacts/resources configuration-aware, you just need to add the Configuration-Context header with the configuration's URL to your request when fetching the type model:
Configuration-Context : https://.../rm/cm/stream/_I5GKcDzrEeWJpodFEUUUBg
Alternatively, but the less prefered way, is to add a query parameter to the resource URL itself
Please see the Configuration Management Specification for more details.