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Create WrapperResource by REST API in DNG

Krzysztof Gemser (1036) | asked Apr 10 '16, 10:32 a.m.
edited Aug 21 '19, 3:37 p.m. by Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723)


Do any of you created an artifact with WrapperResource format using REST API ?. I would like to create an artifact that as the content contained the picture. I’m interesting about the same functionality as in the system feature like „Artifacts/Upload Artifact”. Maybe someone have any description or sample how to prepare a request and its content?. I would be grateful for all the tips on how to do such a thing.

My version of CLM and DNG is 5.0.2

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 15 '16, 2:00 a.m.
The (reportable) REST API does not do that. The only candidate is the OSLC API, but since attachments are not in the OSLC specification, there is no such feature implemented.
Rosa Naranjo selected this answer as the correct answer

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