Is there any OSLC api to fetch list of changesets for a component?

Using the below URL Iam able to fetch list of stream and baselines details. Unable to fetch changeset details.
Is there any rest api to get the changeset list for a stream/baseline/compoonent?
Headers: Oslc-Core-Version : 2.0 , Content-Type : application/rdf+xml, Accept: application/rdf+xml
Thanks and Regards,
Accepted answer

Since a component has no change sets, as the change sets live on the stream level it is not surprising you don't get change sets. I tried
That returns
<j.0:changesets rdf:resource=""/>
I tried that URI and it does return data, but no change sets. This API might not be supported yet. I don't have time to look deeper. Please write an enhancement request.