Can the state of a Test Suite Result be automatically propagated to the Test Case Results
We have a Test Suite consisting of more than 100 Test Cases.
We execute this Test Suite as part of a Test Plan and generate the Test Suite Result and the Test Case Result elements.
We then set the Test Suite Result state to "Under Review" and then to "Approved"
Is it possible to automatically set the state of the Test Case Results under this Test Suite resultĀ to be the same as the Test Suite Result.??
I see a similar propagation of the Test Suite Result Build Details is possible from TS Result to the containing Test Case Result
Accepted answer
Hi Abhishek,
Technically it is not possible to propagate the TSR state to the TCRs associated with it automatically.
However you can try updating all the associated TCRs 's using bulk update.
Thanks and Regards,
Thanks for the answer.
This is exactly what we are doing right now. We go to the Browse Test Case Result from Execution Menu, filter for the associated Test Plan and then use the bulk operation.
But the final users are keen in lessening the number of mouse clicks.
Similar feature is available between the Test cases and Test Scripts (inline).
Does it make sense to request an enhancement for similar feature between TSR and TCR ?