Why am I getting deleted text returned in my JRS Report?

2 answers


All of the artifacts in our instance of DNG have titles not synchronized with primary text. With that being said, the report I built is reporting both Name and Primary Text. In the report itself there is no discrepancy with the name of the artifact, but it displays two rows for the single artifact because it reports two seperate values for primary text, one for what the primary text used to be, and another for what the primary text is now. Do you have any insight into how this can happen?

All of the artifacts in our instance of DNG have titles not synchronized with primary text. With that being said, the report I built is reporting both Name and Primary Text. In the report itself there is no discrepancy with the name of the artifact, but it displays two rows for the single artifact because it reports two seperate values for primary text, one for what the primary text used to be, and another for what the primary text is now. Do you have any insight into how this can happen?

I would guess this is another symptom of a known LQE fault, still present in v6.0.6.1 iFix 017.
Amit Talwar
Aug 09 '21, 12:35 p.m.Does this RDNG project area have configuration management enabled? If yes, are you scoping your data source as "LQE" or "LQE scoped by a configuration"? If you choose just "LQE" it will show results of all versions of that artifact(so across baselines and streams where that version artifact exists). You will want to choose "LQE scoped by a configuration" and chosse the configuration you want to report on to see the "correct versioned artifact" based on the selected configuration.