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Can the section number of an artifact get printed in JRS from DNG?

David Clark (2341352) | asked Oct 15 '19, 9:43 a.m.

 We have a desire/requirement to export our requirements and generate a report showing compliance. Part of the requirement is to output the section number as well. This is available in DNG itself, but is not exposed in JRS. Is there a way to get the data? Custom script, custom expression?

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Sean F (1.3k249160) | answered Oct 15 '19, 10:32 a.m.
edited Oct 15 '19, 10:33 a.m.
Hi David,

You can do this using RPE but it is a separate product and the traceability report will take longer to construct.

If you don't have RPE you can get there in 2 steps by generating an XLSX export of the module as a view with the 'section' attribute displayed in a column.

Then generate your JRS traceability XLSX report from all the artifacts in the same module and join the 2 spreadsheets together.

There is an RFE to have Section available through JRS

Fariz Saracevic selected this answer as the correct answer

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