Unable to include work item IDs in a JRS traceability report
Hello, I'm using CLM Suite 6.0.6.
In report builder, I've created a report on the test results for a test plan. The report is using the LQE data source and the "trace relationships and add artifacts" section is described here:
Test Plan -> Test Result -> Test Case -> Test Script -> Test Script Step -> Requirement (all required)
This report works great. What data I'd like to add in is the ID of defects in test results that have them.
I thought by enabling multiple paths and merging this second trace relationship:
Test Result -> Work Item (optional)
that I'd be able to include that data however, the column is empty.
I've tried traversing through all artifacts without a merge but the report pulls even less data than the example given. This seems like an appropriate merge so I'm unsure of why the test results aren't included when I add the merge described above. Can anyone provide insight here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.