RQM 6.0.6: Can we send multiple test cases at once to the Selenium adapter to be executed or does it only take one test at a time?
One answer
You can send multiple test to same adapter but it will be executed 1 by 1 by the adapter. 1st tes will be picked up and rest will be in adapter queue. Once that is over, then the 2nd one will be picked up. It will go on like that way
Thanks for the answer, Subhajit. How will we get the results back, will they be returned all at once or one by one? Thanks.
"but it will be executed 1 by 1 by the adapter. 1st test will be picked up and rest will be in adapter queue"
Hi Subhajit, does this mean that our execution adapter would still only get the test case details one at a time, and it would be required to report out the status for each test case before it gets the next test? Or would there be a way for us to get all the test data from the adapter queue that you mentioned, and then we would report the status for each test as our code passes them?
Result will be returned one by one. 1st execution will be over and result will be created. After that only 2nd script will start executing.