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DNG RPE - Publish - filter by artifact type in Global Config enabled system

Glyn Costello (14050) | asked Aug 27 '21, 11:56 a.m.

 I'd like to do 2 things but can't figure out how to construct the datasource URL, or how to find the "TypeURI" for my artifact type. 

I'm using the same Type System with consistent URI IDs for every project area. 

1. For a single project area > component in a GC, publish all of the base text artifacts of a specific artifact type (i.e. "Requirement")

2. For a given top-level GC, iterate through each component in the GC and do 1) above. 

For example, I have a global configuration as a hierarchical system:

Each has an RM stream. 

Get all the "Requirement" type base artifacts from SYSTEM, then go to COMP1 and do the same then go to COMP2 and do the same. 

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