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CPU cycles clocks over 300% after websphere JRE upgrade to Java 1.8.

vidyadhar Bhutaki (112) | asked Jan 07 '19, 1:32 a.m.
edited Jan 07 '19, 1:33 a.m.
The Websphere v8.5.5.11 is installed on Linux and we have only 2 web-app deployed on the WAS. We have recently upgraded the Websphere to use JRE 1.8 from JRE 1.6.

Post this upgrade we are often seeing that CPU cycles clock 300-400% continuously. the only way to bring this down is by restarting the websphere but we aren't able to get the thread dump to analyze this further.

Is there anyone who has faced this issue after upgrade from 1.6 to 1.8??

Thank you

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