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RTC to GIT Integration

Snehal Yendhe (15234) | asked Dec 21 '18, 12:45 a.m.


    I want to integrate RTC 6.0.6 with GIT and I am referring following link:
    As per that link I am following every step, commit also done but after commit when I check whether integration is completed or not on my github account (Setting -> Webhook ) display error "We couldn't deliver this payload: Couldn't connect to server". I also allowed firewall and in URL I tried IP address and localhost both, but still not working.
   Please help me if you have any idea to do that.

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Lakshmi Narasimhan T V (4415) | answered Jan 28 '19, 3:52 a.m.

Could you try accessing the RTC server from the GitHub administrative shell with curl command like

curl https://<rtc-server-host-name>:<port>/<context-root>/rootservices 
Replace text in angle brackets with the values appropriate to your environment.
If the RTC server is reachable from GitHub server, then this should return the root services document.

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