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Is it possible to unlock all artifacts in a module collection at once?

John Loriz (112) | asked Dec 13 '18, 8:51 a.m.

Not sure if it occurred when running Link by Attribute, or some other activity.  I see locks on many artifacts in the module collection.  It is very tedious to select groups of artifacts to unlock and if the contiguous group of artifacts contains an unlocked artifact, the option to unlock in no longer available.  Only locked artifacts can be selected in order to have the unlock option available in the menu. 

2 answers

permanent link
Adrian Haw (2991242) | answered Dec 13 '18, 3:42 p.m.

You can filter on locks in a module view, then select them and unlock.

permanent link
John Loriz (112) | answered Dec 13 '18, 4:01 p.m.

I can filter on the locked artifacts, but I can only select 200 max at a time.  What I'm looking for is the ability to cycle through all of the artifacts within the module and unlock them if they are locked.  Is this possible?

Adrian Haw commented Dec 13 '18, 4:10 p.m.

No, I don't believe this is possible. Your only option is the filter and selection of artifacts 200 at a time.

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