DNG : In the WebUI, if the Approved Artifact is changed then change the state to New automatically
Hi Team,
I have a usecase wherein the state of the DNG artifact should move to New state when there is a modification in the artifact.
E.g: There is an artifact which is in Approved state and there is a minor change to the artifact, which when made, should automatically move the state to New state.
Is this possible on the Web UI ?
2 answers
I have created a widget with nothing in and the code on the js.file looks like this:
let oldArtRef=[]
RM.Event.subscribe(RM.Event.ARTIFACT_SAVED, async function(artRef){
console.log (oldArtRef)
console.log (artRef)
if (oldArtRef[0]){
if (oldArtRef[0].uri != artRef[0].uri){
oldArtRef = await resetProcessState(artRef)
oldArtRef = await resetProcessState(artRef)
// Reset workflow state for the changed artifact to "New", if the artifact type is one of "Software Requirement" or "Required Value"
async function resetProcessState(artRef){
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
RM.Data.getAttributes(artRef, [RM.Data.Attributes.ARTIFACT_TYPE], async function(result){
console.log (result.data)
var attrs = result.data[0]
attrs.values["http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/rdm/rdf/ofType"].name==="Required Value"){
let artifactAttributes = await new RM.ArtifactAttributes();
let attributeValues = await new RM.AttributeValues();
artifactAttributes.ref = artRef[0];
artifactAttributes.values = attributeValues
// Reset some attribute values
attributeValues["State (Requirements Workflow)"]="New";
console.log (attributeValues)
console.log (artifactAttributes)
await RM.Data.setAttributes(artifactAttributes, async function(result){
if(result.code === RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK){
On the same server as Jazz is located, there is a path to locate separate files for widgets. I do not know how this path is linked.
Then there is an xml-file where all widgets are located:
<dc:description>Copy artifacts between different streams</dc:title>
<ju:icon rdf:resource="./dropins/copy_artifacts/icon_add_link_to_artifact.png"/>
<ju:thumbnail rdf:resource="./dropins/copy_artifacts/thumbnail_add_link_to_artifact.png"/>
<ju:preview rdf:resource="./dropins/copy_artifacts/thumbnail_add_link_to_artifact.png"/>
<ju:gadget rdf:resource="./dropins/copy_artifacts/copy_artifacts.xml"/>
The widget itselve has at least 3 files:
one xml-file lookink like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Module specificationVersion="1.0">
<ModulePrefs title="Add enums to RM-artifacts">
<Require feature="dynamic-height"/>
<Require feature="com.ibm.rdm.rm.api"/>
<Optional feature="com.ibm.team.gc.gcm.api"/>
<Content type="html" href="add_enums_to_artifact.html" />
one html-file:
<form class="row g-1 p-2" id="copyArtifactForm">
<script type="text/javascript" src="add_enums_to_artifact.js"></script>
and the js-file named "add_enums_to_artifact.js" with the code above mentioned...