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Test Plan save conflict occuring after multiple test cases have been updated (6.0.6)

Celia Bengel (1117) | asked Dec 12 '18, 10:54 a.m.
edited Dec 12 '18, 10:58 a.m.


RQM:  6.0.6 - Configuration Manager enabled (but not GCM)

Users are experience the following message on the test plan after they make changes to the associated test cases.

! Save Conflict: While you were editing this test plan, someone else edited and saved it.

Notes from users:

It keeps on showing this error after every 3-4 Test cases update.  I am using QM like – Opening around 6 TCs in new Tabs and editing each one, one by one.  I am quite sure than no one other than me is working on the same test plan - and still it shows this error.

Another observation:  I tried similar action on a few associated test suites.   (Opening them in new tables)  I did NOT touch the Test Plan.   The test suites saved okay.  HOWEVER, then I tried to close down the test plan tab, a warning popped up warning that if I continued I would loose my changes.  (option to stay or leave page and loose changes)     It is like an update is being made to the test plan when associated suites or cases are being modified.

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Krupa Gunhalkar (4512) | answered Dec 12 '18, 11:42 p.m.

Hi Celia
Its always recommended to refresh the Test Plan editor if any of the associated child QM Artifacts are updated in others TABs. I assume the test cases in other TABs have been saved after the update. Even if not saved, the issue you are facing should not occur as all these will be considered as different artifacts though test cases are part of the test plan in action. I tried keeping all the 6 tabs open for the test cases that belong to a particular test plan and none of them are in saved state after update. I was able to edit the test plan and save it and refresh it without any issue. Looks like some particular issue on your environment which needs to assessed via support team. Please raise a support ticket if the issue persists.

Krupa Gunhalkar

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