How do I fix ORA-01795 error when doing an RTC Quick Search?
We have a project in RTC 5.0.2, and when we perform a Quick Search for work items using a certain user's name, the following exception gets generated: CRJAZ0368E A database query could not run on the server. stmt = select distinct t1.ITEM_ID, t1.STATE_ID, t1.MODIFIED from CCM.MODEL_WORK_ITEM t1 where ((t1.PROJECT_AREA_ITEM_ID = ?) and t1.ITEM_ID in('_Ka-gsLkfEee5ZbITwcw6_w', '_l0Js1cSaEeet7oMheR0gIg', '_YYZQ8AN8Eee5n71er35KxQ', '_gI_ZhIbQEeeXNfn2eb0iLw', '_veYStANIEee5n71er35KxQ', '_NPTEfSj-EeekZqx_ztOOig', '_Pn59gIZnEeeXU8l5Gdbo7g', '_NHAsIOdhEeecj7k0ZxEgMA', '_mqcBoBrSEeeZUvQSAUbYkA', '_iOUfwKRHEee6HchL154HQg', ......................................................
Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000
I have removed most of the exception from the posting because it is very long. It lists all 1000+ items in the "in" clause.
Is there a way to modify the SQL query behind the Quick Search so that this user can get a list of his items? Or another way to fix this error? The Quick Search works fine for other users.