DOORS NEXT GEN - Reportable Rest API: Showing Links between modules?
Hello Everyone,
Got a quick question about the reportable REST API, Heres a quick overview of the current configuration:
Have a couple of components within a Global Configuration, a few requirements in Component A, Module A link to requirements in Component B, Module B
When I do the following GET Request:
The request return all of the data within the module, which is great, However, the request only shows linkages between artifacts within the same component.
Requirement 2:
Allocates --> to Specification (another component)
Satisfied by <--- Requirement (another component)
Driven by ---> Requirement 3 (same component, same module)
<ds:Link type="Link">
<rrm:title>Requirement 3</rrm:title>
Does the reportable REST API not return links within a global configuration?