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RTC all extension contributor value is not printing in RPE

sreenath v (78680) | asked Dec 03 '18, 4:31 a.m.
i have in RTC some fields which take contibutor value
for eg: Designer : Clmadmin
            Tester : clmadmin

when i am trying to take from RPE the report using workitem>>workitem>>allextension display name is printing but the displayvalue is not printing. How can i resolve this?

Accepted answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Dec 03 '18, 6:45 a.m.
edited Dec 03 '18, 6:46 a.m.
To print contributor name, you need to add foundation schema as well. You can query on either allExtensions or itemExtensions.

This is how you can get the contributor name assigned to "Designer":
Within workitem/workItem/allExtensions (or workitem/workItem/itemExtensions), add condition
displayValue == "Designer"

Get the value of  workitem/workItem/allExtensions/itemValue/reportableUrl (or workitem/workItem/itemExtensions/value/reportableUrl) that is of the format https://<server>/jts/rpt/repository/workitem/contributor/itemId/_-oulbVJhEeaocoGcR527Yg
Use ScriptExpression to replace "/workitem/" with "/foundation"
and set that EsciptExpression as the URI for foundation data source.
From foundation schema, you can print contributor/name.

sreenath v selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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sreenath v (78680) | answered Dec 03 '18, 7:41 a.m.

Ok i got it Thank you!

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sreenath v (78680) | answered Dec 09 '18, 12:34 a.m.
edited Dec 09 '18, 12:35 a.m.

 I am facing some issue while printing value inside a table.If am giving designer as condition its coming.But i have other value as tester ,so i gave condition inside table as display value=design && design value ==tester.But while running engine is getting aborted.if am printing paragraph wise it's printing but cell wise it's getting error.

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